Modern Art: at 88 years old, a Spanish artist paints with Paint

Her name is Concha and despite her 88 years, this Spanish artist paints her works with Paint. We are talking about a popular figure in Spain, a granny who shares her work on Instagram and who has quickly achieved an unexpected fame.
Concha García Zaera comes from Valencia; she loves digital painting and with a simple mouse she can create works that have nothing to envy to other types of paintings. In fact, the pensioner has been creating works of art with Paint for more than ten years, since her husband fell ill and her life changed, remaining confined to the house.
Initially the artist painted in oil, but since her husband could not stand the smell from this type of painting, Concha decided to change technique, certain that she would continue to cultivate her passion even if her life conditions had changed. So, when her children gave her a PC, she started to deepen this program, starting to create simple things first, then gradually adding many details, until she reached the point where her drawings were complete from every point of view.
Today, the Spanish grandmother is famous all over the world and on her Instagram account she can count on more than 165.000 followers, even illustrious followers, belonging to the world of art and not only.
Initially the Spanish artist who paints with Paint kept the works for herself, but her grandchildren, given the talent of the woman decided to open an Instagram account where she could share her art and since then for Concha has opened the road to success.
She keeps in touch with her followers, exchanges advice with other artists and in the meantime continues to create real masterpieces, works that have been exhibited in two galleries and that have had considerable success.
Landscapes are the subjects represented in Concha's works, glimpses that the Spanish artist who paints with Paint sees daily and that she reproduces with this program, even if, as the woman says, it is not always easy to recreate shadows and details with this program, but at the same time, she says, to those who advise her to switch to other more complex software, that she is no longer of age to learn other techniques and that she feels good like this, even if she has to give up certain details or if it takes more time to finish a work.
In fact, the woman can take up to a month to make certain drawings, especially when it comes to complex landscapes, where the details become essential, but as Concha said, now that she is a widow, she has time and she is in no hurry.
No doubt it is a singular way of creating, but the Spanish artist who paints with Paint is proof that there is no age limit to put your passions into practice and to share them with others.
Article by: Aurora Caraman