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Street Art for women

Street Art for women


When we talk about Street Art, we mistakenly think of the male universe, but in reality, women are also the protagonists of this innovative artistic trend. Street artists also include female names, respectable artists who have nothing to envy to their colleagues of the opposite sex. Here are some of the protagonists of the International Urban Scene that are worth knowing:


"Street" artist who performs hyper-realistic murals in which female subjects represent duality, representing vulnerability and strength of the female universe. Generally, the subjects chosen by the artist belong to the communities of the neighbourhoods where the murals are made.

Shamsia Hassani

Considered the first Afghan graffiti artist, she is an artist on the international street art scene who, in her works, illustrates the difficult condition of women living in a country purely for men, such as Afghanistan. She is a lecturer at the University of Kabul, this graffiti artist has inspired the contemporary generation of urban artists from all over the world through her works, and each of her works is considered a denunciation of the condition of women in general in Afghanistan and beyond.

Alice Mizrachi

Her subjects are young women and girls represented as sacred archetypes and the message, once again, concerns the gender difference that is still present everywhere. Through her art, Alice tries to communicate the need to change chauvinist beliefs, the urgency of having to erase the discrimination still suffered by women all over the world, even in the art world.


American activist and artist known on the international scene, Swoon is a protagonist of Street Art who, through the images she creates, denounces numerous environmental and social issues, often also focusing on the difficult condition of women in the world, who often face discrimination of all kinds.

Lady Aiko

If we talk about feminine Street Art, we cannot but mention Lady Aiko, who, in her murals dedicated to the female universe, mixes abstract art, traditional Japanese aesthetics and contemporary Street Art elements, creating dialogues between various cultures.


Again we are talking about an activist, but Kashink, in her murals, tries to question the definition of identity and aesthetic canons. She lives in Paris and is considered one of the most active street artists.

Alice Pasquini

She is an internationally famous Italian Street Artist who generally creates female figures; her murals, as well as being present in many Italian cities, can also be admired in Buenos Aires, New York, etc.

Clare Rojas

After changing different styles, Clare Rojas currently seems to have stopped at the abstract style, focusing on the harmonization of colour, shape and line.

Miss Van

This artist is a true protagonist of feminine Street Art; since she was 20 years old, she started to paint her sensual and unmistakable female figures both on canvas and on the street and her works have been created all over the world.

Lady Pink

Icon of female Street Art, Lady Pink is considered a cult figure in hip-hop and in 1979 she was considered the only woman able to compete with men in this art of graffiti.

Willpower, talent and a desire to contribute to social change are the main characteristics that unite women active in street art, increasingly determined to assert themselves as much as their male colleagues.

Article by: Aurora Caraman

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